Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Welcome  to  my  Blog  Ladies.

   I  have'nt  designed  a  kit  in  a  long  time,  i  found  it  a  bit challenging  to  put  this  kit together,  out  of  practice  i  guess.  I  lost  a  large  amount  of  my creative templates, i could'nt find  all  the  different  things  i used  to  use  to  design  my  kits with.  Anyways,  i  did  download alot  of  things  from  Digital Scrapbook  to  get  this  kit  done, i also  had  got  my  scripts  to  work in  my  program.

  It  took  me  2  months  to  make this  kit, i  did  get  the  hang  of designing  kits  again.

      I  am  doing  this  blog  train  in honor  of  Marisa  @Digital  Scrapbook

Thank  You  for  visiting my blog

All downloads 

Use the one that suites you

Click---> Drop Box

Click---> 4Shared

Click  the  link  below  for  the  other  contribution's

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Pixel Scrapper Sept 2018 Blog Train "Coxy Kitchen"

Hello ladies!!
Another awesome Blog Train Hosted by my favorite forum to be create on.Lots of great contributions,you will not be disappointed.
I am late for this Blog Train due to computer problems and such,however,i did manage to get it all finished and posted.
Please let me know you downloaded and please show me anything you've made with my kit.

I LOVE seeing the creative ways you ladies design with the kits we make.

I have both Full Size and Tagger Size Kits for you.

All Other Contributions click on the Pixel Scrapper Logo

Thursday, May 3, 2018

May 2018-Pixel Scrapper Blog Train

"Flower Power"
Here is my contribution for the blog train.
Hope you all will enjoy my part and make some really pretty,creative projects from it.
I would love to see your creations,if you wouldn't mind,please email me your creations,i may post them here on my blog for all to see.

I made a Full sized and a Tagger size version of the kit.

Please leave a comment so i know you visited.
Thanks and Enjoy!!

Click the pixel scrapper logo for the other contributions.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Oct 2017 Pixel Scrapper Blog Train "Pumpkin Spice"

Hope you'll create great things and show them to me.
Please leave me a message so i know who stopped in.

Kit made in 300 dpi 

Click Here for more awesome contributions.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Pretty Frame Template

Ladies, from  what  you  can  see, this  template  is  really  cute  and really  easy  to  work  with.
You  can  re-color  or  close  off  layers  you  don't  wanna  use.
This  template  comes  in  PSD  and PSP  formats  made  at  300 dpi
If  interested ,click  my  store  Blinkie.
Please  come  back  and  visit  my store, i  will  be  adding  more  product  soon.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

A Pirates Life For Me

Remember ,No Sharing, send people to my blog for download.

Hope you'll enjoy this Free To Use/ Personal Use Only kit....
Made in Full Size and Tagger Size.

I always wanna see creations from my kits, would you please send me your creations.
It's somewhat discouraging to see so many people upload my kits, but never see any creations.

Digital  scrap  kit  copy  righted  to  ©Mersija's Majestic Design

Please, Leave a comment  Below.

I  maybe  changing  the way   ladies  get  my  kits.
I  don't  understand  why  people  upload  my  kits  and  then  leave  a message  anonymously.
Why  does  someone  have  to  hide  who  they  are?
Makes one wonder.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Sea Life Digital Scarp kit

I have made a Full Size and Tagger size Kit.

Hoping to see some designs from those who download.

This kit as all my kits are Copy Righted to Mersija's Majestic Design.

No Sharing

Tagger Size

Full Size

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Cute As Can BEE Full size digital scrap kit

This kit is copy righted to Mersija's Majestic Design.

Do NOT steal my creation and make it your own.

Tags created by friends and myself from this kit.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Girls and Football

To all the Girls who LOVE NFL Football.

I have another amazing FTU Tagger Personal use only kit for you to be as creative as you want.

This kit was inspired by the NFL football forum in a group on the social site called cafemom.com;In Honor of Rochelle who does a great job running and maintaining the forum.

Please DO NOT Share,send people to my blog.

This is  personal use kit,under copy right law,do not steal my creations and claim them as your own and sell them.

If you create something please let me know,i may display your creation here on my blog.
Please don't use provocative tubes/posers or volgar language with my kit/kits.....Thanks!!

First ever tagger template,hope to see some great creations from you amazing,creative and most talented designers.

Click the preview to get the tagger template.

This kit is located in my mediafire acct.Click the preview to get it.

The Design team @ Graphic Love Group created these most awesome cluster frames with my Girls and Football kit.
Hope to see some great creations with them.

Click on each cluster to download.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

It's A Girl Thing

Here's another one of my creations for you to enjoy.

Please DO NOT Share,send people to my blog.

This is  personal use kit,under copy right law,do not steal my creations and claim them as your own and sell them.

If you make anything  from this kit,feel free to send me your creation,i may display it here on my blog.

This amazing tag was created by: Melissa over @Unigue Styles Blog.Tut is called Sweet and Girly......Click the preview for the full tut,let her know you came to her Blog from www.mersijasmajesticdesign.blogspot.com and leave her some love.

She has an awesome tutorial site,lot's of creative tut's and amazing tag creations,what a gifted and creative lady this is and her tut's are understandable.
If you would like to learn how to create,you should click on her avatar below for her beautiful Blog.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

" Back To Nature " Pixel Scrapper August Blog Train

Hello ladies!!

Pixel Scrapper Blog Train departs August 1st 

Hope you'll enjoy my part,as always it's big and full of awesome elements,papers & frames.

Create your heart out.

I would love to see what you make from my kit,i may even place it here on my blog for display.

I created a Full Size and Tagger size kit.

Click  Here for the other  parts

Friday, June 24, 2016

A Story About Autism

Hello friends!!

I would love to announce a Book written by a talented writer,who happens to be a friend of mine.

She has a son who is autistic and has decided to write a book about  brother and sister Elephants,a journey of a sisters life dealing with an autistic brother.

It is on Amzan.com

Click the book to buy know

A Story about Autism

Authored by Chasiti Wachter
Illustrated by Csongor Veres
Join Ellie as she takes you on the journey of her brother Elliot's Autism from his difficulties to his triumphs. Step into her world and see what everyday life is like living with a brother with a disability

Gone Camping Scrap Kit

Another FREE kit for you to enjoy.

It's Personal Use Only

Do Not Steal my Kits and Claim as your own.

Click Box  or Mediafire Tagger Size

Click Box or Mediafire Full Size

Monday, June 6, 2016

Summer Fun

Enjoy being creative.
I would love to see some of your creations.

Personal use only
Please don not steal my creations.
They are copy right

Both kits are linked to media fire


Monday, April 11, 2016

Spring Time Moments digital scrap kit

Hope you like my new
est kit.
Please,if you make something,whatever it is from my kit,send it to me via email and i may just display your creation here on my blog.

All my kits are copy right'd

Do not steal and sell my kits.

Please include Mersija's Majestic Design on your creations.

I have linked both tagger and full size kits to my media fire acct.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Life In Full Bloom April 2016 Pixel Scrapper Blog Train.

Hello ladies.........Long time no see,just haven't had the time to play,i have a real job outside my house know.

I had a blast creating for this theme,i couldn't stop making elements,this idea and that idea came popping into my creative mind,i really had some more idea's,but just had to just say no.

This is a big kit ladies,i could not fit all the elements and papers into the preview,but i'm sure your gonna love it.

I would love to see any creations you make.

This time of year is one of my favorites,every things coming back to life,lol,including me,hehehehehehe.

God is soooooo awesome to create Spring,it's nice to see how everything springs up,full of life and ready to grow,bloom and look pretty,things are taking root and if it happens right it can not get uprooted and that same thing is real for us,we must be rooted and grounded in Christ,in order to survive.

Enjoy LIFE!!

Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving (Col 2: 7).
That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man;

That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love  (Eph 3: 16, 17)

Click Here for pixel Scrapper site and the other designers blog's.

If the below links to media fire don't work for you......Click here for my  Box  acct
Full Kit            Tagger Kit

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Hop Into The Story Of Easter

OK Friends,finally i had the time to create a kit for you all to enjoy.
It's a big kit,lot's of very cute Easter/Spring type elements.I made this kit both in Full size and tagger size.

Click the previews below the video to get this awesome Easter Kit.

To me Easter is about Jesus Resurrection from the dead.
Hope you'll enjoy it!!

Would love to see some of your creations.
Click the

 Tagger Size Kit-Click Preview For Download

 Full Size Kit

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Back To School digital scrap kit

Ok friends,i have made a huge kit in both Tagger and Full size for you all to enjoy.
Please be kind and send me your creations,i would really love to see what you've made.

This is copy righted to me,please do not steal my creations and sell on other sites.
Stealing is a sin,punishable by hell fire.LOL!!

Please and thank you they are the magic words,if you want this scrap kit there the words that should be heard.
 Let me know if you've downloaded......Enjoy!!

Cluster created my MtBecky

Cluster frame for you to use.

Tags my friends made.
 These snags were created by my friend Deborah,your more then welcomed to snag and use.
Do not claim as your own.....Thanks!!